Construction of Weighted Dual Graphs of NURBS-based Isogeometric Meshes
Daniel Rypl, Bořek Patzák
Department of Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague, Czech Republic
Isogeometric analysis has been recently introduced
as a viable alternative to the standard, polynomial-based
finite element analysis. Similarly to the finite element method,
isogeometric solution of complex engineering problems may
lead to computationally very demanding analysis, demands of which can be
alleviated by performing it in a parallel computing environment.
While the actual parallelization of the isogeometric computational
code resembles methodologically very much the parallelization of
the finite element code, the construction of the appropriate domain
decomposition of the isogeometric mesh is rather complicated compared
to the partitioning of the finite element mesh. The aim of this paper
is to introduce a new methodology for the construction of a weighted
dual graph of a two-dimensional NURBS-based isogeometric mesh that can be
decomposed by standard graph-based partitioning approaches.