Doškář, M., Zeman, J., Rypl, D., Novák, J.: Level-set Based Design of Wang Tiles for Modelling Complex Microstructures. Computer Aided Design, 123, 2020. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Nerad, J.: Volume Preserving Smoothing of Triangular Isotropic Three-dimensional Surface Meshes. Advances in Engineering Software, 101:3-26, 2016. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Patzák, B.: Construction of Weighted Dual Graphs of NURBS-based Isogeometric Meshes. Advances in Engineering Software, 61:31-41, 2013. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Patzák, B., Rypl, D., Kruis, J.: MuPIF - A Distributed Multi-physics Integration Tool. Advances in Engineering Software, 61:89-97, 2013. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Using the Recursive Subdivision and the Advancing Front Technique for the Discretization of Multi-Phase Microstructures. Advances in Engineering Software, 62-63:39-50, 2013. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Patzák, B.: From the Finite Element Analysis to the Isogeometric Analysis in an Object Oriented Computing Environment. Advances in Engineering Software, 44(1):116-125, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Patzák, B., Rypl, D.: Object-Oriented, Parallel Finite Element Framework with Dynamic Load Balancing. Advances in Engineering Software, 47(1):35-50, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Patzák, B.: Object Oriented Implementation of the T-spline Based Isogeometric Analysis. Advances in Engineering Software, 50:137-149, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Collins, B.C., Matouš, K., Rypl, D.: Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Statistically Optimal Unit Cells of Multimodal Particulate Composites, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 8(5):489-507, 2010. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D.: Sweeping of Unstructured Meshes over Generalized Extruded Volumes. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 46(1-2):203-215, 2010. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D.: Using the Spherical Harmonic Analysis and the Advancing Front Technique for the Discretization of 3D Aggregate Particles. Advances in Engineering Software, 41(1):38-45, 2010. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Matouš, K., Inglis, H.M., Gu, X., Rypl, D., Jackson, T.L., Geubelle, P.H.: Multiscale Modeling of Solid Propellants: From Particle Packing to Failure. Composite Science and Technology, 67:1694-1708, 2007. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Generation of Computational Surface Meshes of STL Models. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 192:148-151, 2006. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Triangulation of 3D Surfaces Reconstructed by Interpolating Subdivision. Computers and Structures, 82:2093-2103, 2004. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Němeček, J., Patzák, B., Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Microplane Models: Computational Aspects and Proposed Parallel Algorithm. Computers and Structures, 80:2099-2108, 2002. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Patzák, B., Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Parallel Explicit Finite Element Dynamics with Nonlocal Constitutive Models. Computers and Structures, 79:2287-2297, 2001. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Krysl, P.: Triangulation of 3D Surfaces. Engineering with Computers, 13:87-98, 1997. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | |
Rypl, D., Patzák, B.: Assessment of Computational Efficiency of Numerical Quadrature Schemes in the Isogeometric Analysis. Engineering Mechanics, 19(4):249-260, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Patzák, B.: Partitioning of Two-dimensional NURBS Meshes for the Parallel Isogeometric Analysis. Engineering Mechanics, 19(4):261-277, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bým, T.: Geometrical Modeling of Concrete Microstructure for the Assessment of ITZ Percolation. Acta Polytechnica, 52(6):38-47, 2012. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Boundary Conforming Discretization of Three-Dimensional Domains. Engineering Mechanics, 13:307-318, 2006. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Triangulation of 3D Surfaces Recovered from STL Grids. Acta Polytechnica, 44:61-67, 2004. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Hybrid Method for Generation of Quadrilateral Meshes. Engineering Mechanics, 9:49-64, 2002. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | | |
Patzák, B., Rypl, D., Bittnar, Z.: Experiences with Non-local Material Models in Parallel Explicit Dynamics. Engineering Mechanics, 9:99-114, 2002. | Paper abstract | Bibtex entry | |
Copyright © by Daniel Rypl / 2020 |