Curriculum vitae
Research interests
List of publications

Doc. Ing. Michal Sejnoha, Ph.D.

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Structural Engineering
Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic

phone: +420-2-2435 4494
fax: +420-2-2431 0775
e-mail: sejnom@fsv.cvut.cz

List of publications


Sejnoha, M: Micromechanical analysis of unidirectional plies and laminates, volume 3 of CTU Reports, Czech Technical University in Prague, pages 142, 1999. Abstract
Sejnoha, M. and Zeman, J.: Micromechanical analysis in random composites, Habilitation thesis, CTU Prague, 2000.  Abstract  PDF (3.2 MB)

Submitted articles

  1. Sejnoha, M. and Sejnoha, J.: Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials, 2001.   Abstract  PDF (0.8 MB)
  2. Sejnoha, M., Zeman, J. and Sejnoha, J.: Evaluation of effective thermoelastic properties of random fibrous composites, 2001.  Abstract  PDF (0.2 MB)
  3. Sejnoha, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Multi-scale modeling of composites with randomly distributed phases, 2001.   Abstract  PDF (0.3 MB)
  4. Sejnoha, M. and Zeman, J.: Overall viscoelastic response of random fibrous composites with statistically uniform distribution of reinforcements, 2001.   Abstract  PDF (0.9 MB)
  5. Janda, T., Kuklik, P. and Sejnoha, M.: Mixed experimental and numerical approach to evaluation of material parameters of clayey soils, 2001.  Abstract  PDF (0.3 MB)

International Journal

  1. Procházka, P. and Sejnoha, M.: Development of debond region of Lag Model. Computers and Structures, 55, 249-260, 1995.  Abstract
  2. Dvorak, G.J. and Sejnoha, M.: Initial failure maps of fibrous CMC laminates. J. of the American Ceramic Soc., 78, 205-210, 1995.  Abstract
  3. Dvorak, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Initial failure maps for ceramic and metal matrix composite laminates. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 4, 553-580, 1996.  Abstract
  4. Feraidon, A., Sejnoha, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Sensitivity analysis of flexible laminated plates. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2, 54-62, 1998.  Abstract
  5. Sejnoha, M., Sejnoha, J. and Procházka, P.: Modeling of interfacial separation of MMC composites. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1, 23-32, 1998.  Abstract
  6. Sejnoha, M. and Srinivas, M.: Modeling of effective properties of composites with interfacial microcracks using PHA model. Building Research Journal, 46(2), 99-108, 1998.  Abstract
  7. Sejnoha, M.: Initial failure of unidirectional fiber reinforced laminates subjected to bending. . Building Research Journal, 48(1), 31-41, 2000.  Abstract
  8. Zeman, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Numerical evaluation of effective elastic properties of graphite fiber tow impregnated by polymer matrix. Journal Mech. Phys. Solids. 49(1), 69-90, 2001.  Abstract
  9. Matous, K., Leps, M., Zeman, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Applying genetic algorithms to selected topics commonly encountered in engineering practice.  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 190, 1629-1650, 2000.  Abstract

National Journals

  1. Matous, K., Sejnoha, M. and Sejnoha, J.: Energy based optimization of layered beam structures. ACTA POLYTECHNICA, 38(2), 5-16, 1998. 
  2. Sejnoha, M.: Laminated 4-node element based on refined theory. ACTA POLYTECHNICA, 38(1), 63-73, 1998.  Abstract
  3. Kuklík, P., Mares., J. and Sejnoha, M.: Evaluation of the modified CAM clay model with reference to isotropic consolidation. CTU Reports, 3(4), 47-54, 1999.  Abstract
  4. Sejnoha, M. and Matous, K.: Nonlinear analysis of initially prestressed laminates. CTU Reports, 3(4), 55-68, 1999.  Abstract

Conference proceedings

A: composite materials

  1. Dvorak, G.J. and Sejnoha, M.: Initial failure maps for ceramics and metal matrix laminates. In Fracture and Damage in Quasibrittle Structures. Z.P. Bazant, Z. Bittnar, M. Jirásek, J. Mazars, editors, 575-588, Prague 1994.Abstract
  2. Dvorak, G.J., Sejnoha, M. and Srinivas, M.: Pseudoplasticity of fibrous composite materials. IUTAM Symposium " Micromechanics of Plasticity and Damage of Multiphase Materials", 1995.Abstract
  3. Procházka, P.P. and Sejnoha, M.: Boundary element formulation of pull-out problem of lag model. In BETECH 96, Hawai, USA, 1996.
  4. Procházka, P.P., Sejnoha, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Evaluation of local fields in damaged composites. In Localize damage 96, Fukuoka, Japan, June 1996.
  5. Sejnoha, M. and Sejnoha, J.: Deterministic optimization of laminated plates. In Proceedings of the 2nd congress of Croatian society of mechanics, P. Marovic editor, 25-34. Croatia, Euro Print, 1997.
  6. Sejnoha, M. and Sejnoha, J.: Modeling of composites lap joints. In Proceedings of the 2nd congress of Croatian society of mechanics, P. Marovic editor, 197-204. Croatia, Euro Print, 1997.
  7. Matous, K., Sejnoha, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Energy based optimization of laminated plates. In ICCE/5, D. Hui editor, 801-802, Las Vegas, USA, Elsevier Science.
  8. Sejnoha, M.: Initial failure of metal matrix laminates under bending, In ICCE/5, D. Hui editor, 803-804, Las Vegas, USA, Elsevier Science.
  9. Sejnoha, M. and Matous, K.: Finite element approach to energy based optimization of laminated plates, In Computer methods in composite materials IV, C. Brebbia editor, 25-34, Montreal, Canada, WITpress, 1998.
  10. Matous, K. and Sejnoha, M.: Inelastic analysis of Cr/Al composite laminates with prestressed fibers. In ICCE/6, D. Hui editor, 537-538, Orlando, USA, Elsevier Science, 1999.
  11. Sejnoha, M., Horecka, L. and Matous, K.: Modeling of masonry structures strengthened by pre-tensioned glass-fiber-reinforced polymer laminates. In Computational methods and experimental measurements IX, G.M. Carlomagno, C.B. Brebbia, 381-390, Sorrento, Italy, WITpress, 1999.
  12. Sejnoha, M., Zeman, J. and Sejnoha, J.: Probabilistic modeling of real microstructures. In 11th International scientific conference, 133-136, VUT Brno, 1999.
  13. Sejnoha, M., Zeman, J. and Sejnoha, J.: Evaluation of effective properties of random composites via periodic fields. In Proceedings of the 3rd congress of Croatian society of mechanics, P. Marovic editor, 427-434, Croatia, Euro Print, 2000.Abstract
  14. Zeman, J., Sejnoha, J: and Sejnoha, M.: Effective properties of statistically homogeneous random composites. In Composite Materials and Structures VII., W.P. de Wilde, W.R. Blain, B, C.A. Brebbia: editor, 143-152, WITpress, Bologna, 2000. Abstract
  15. Wierer, M., Sejnoha, J: and Sejnoha, M.: Evaluation of effective properties of woven composite tubes. In Engineering Mechanics 2001, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 14-17, 2001, (available on CD).Abstract

B: Geotechnical Engineering

  1. Kuklík, P., Kuklíková, J., Mares, J. and Sejnoha, M.: Verification of CAM-clay modeling in description of consolidation. In Advances in systems, signals, control and computers, W. Bajic editor, 281-285, Durban, South Africa, 1998.
  2. Kuklík, P., Sejnoha, M. and Mares, J.: Dimensional reduction applied to specific problems of consolidation. In Application of numerical methods to geotechnical problems, A. Cividini editor, 337-346, Udine, Italy, SpringerWienNewYork, 1998.
  3. Kuklík, P., Mares, J. and Sejnoha, M.: The structural strength of soil from the isotropic consolidation point of view. In First international conference on advanced engineering design, P. Fiala editor, Prague, Czech Republic, CTU Publishing House, 1999.
  4. Kuklík, P. Sejnoha, M. and Mares, J.: The structural strength of soil from the isotropic consolidation point of view. In Computational mechanics for the next millennium, Geomechanics, Models and techniques, C.M. Wang, K.H. Lee editors, 2, 797-802, Singapore, Elsevier Science, 1999.
  5. Kuklik, P. and Sejnoha, M.: Application of polyethylene strip reinforced soil in geotechnical engineering. Computer methods and advances in geomechanics, Desai et al. editors, 1241-1244, 2001.Abstract

C: Miscellaneous

  1. Krejcí, T., Sejnoha, M. and Sejnoha, J.: Improved prognosis of prestress losses in the cylindrical part of containment of the nuclear power-plant. In Proceedings of the 3rd congress of Croatian society of mechanics, P. Marovic editor, 607-614, Croatia, Euro Print, 2000.
  2. Leps, M. and Sejnoha, M.: New approach to optimization of reinforced concrete beams. In Computational Concrete Structures Technology, Z. Bittnar, G.T. Topping, editors, Leuven, Belgium, CIVIL-COMP PRESS, 2000. Abstract